I just couldn't resist this little survey -- it combines so many of my favorite things: nostalgia, list making, and the number 4!
Four Places I go over and over:
1. Padded Chair in the window corner of the US Steel Tower 2nd Lobby Level.
This is my lunch escape - where I get to sit in the sun, read, and forget the busy morning.
2. Lebanon Presbyterian Church
Though unfortunately it feels more like a job than a place of rest -- Im here often for endless youth events, early sunday school mornings, and various church functions.
3. Downtown Macy's Perfume Selection
Another lunchtime getaway as Macy's is the practically the only downtown shopping. I never buy, but I love sampling the new scents and dreaming up the perfect event for each.
4. Jake's Passenger Seat
Here often because I don't drive, I also love it because its the perfect place to let my brain (and mouth) unwind... plus I often get to catch up on the latest NPR scoop.
Four TV Shows I Watch:
1. The Office: for laughs
2. Jeopardy: for knowledge
3. Grey's Anatomy: for drama
4. America's Next Top Model: for the hell of it
Four Smells I Love:
1. Spring Lilacs: childhood
2. Campfire in my Hair: the end of a great night
3. Ocean Air: the smell of relaxation
4. Fresh Baked Bread: yum!
Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:
1. At the Dish Cafe eating scones while surrounded by fellow 4Easters
2. On the Spanish Steps of Rome with Jake and a bottle of Red Wine
3. Hiking near Mt. Ranier with my Brothers
4. Navigating the chaos of Malawi's markets with sugarcane stuck in my teeth
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