Thursday, April 30, 2009

Birds of a Feather...

My boss is a nature FREAK.

And, let me be clear, I say that with the utmost respect. Years ago, knowing random facts about nature specimens and carrying your binoculars through the park (complete with white tube socks up to knees and too-tight cargo khakis) was an instant sign of NERD. But these days, as the world is getting warmer and the icebergs are melting… Nature Nerds have finally stepped into the limelight to be respected by the world at large.

My boss is one of these freak-turned-heroes. He (literally) DIGS through garbage to find recyclables, chooses vacation locations based on the local bird populations, and knows (and is happy to recite!) the most random facts about flora and fauna. If I were to create a buzz-word bingo for my boss, my card would definitely include the words: “ecosystem,” “global warming,” “species,” “Wait – that’s recyclable!,” and “peregrine falcon” (The last one because APPARENTLY one flies by his window about 3 times a day, leading him to shout out to me to let me know. My typical response: “Wow. Cool, Dave. Too bad I missed it again.” – while rolling my eyes).

When it comes down to it, I will never be a Nature Nerd. Don’t get me wrong – I LOVE the great outdoors. And, beyond that, I MENTALLY see all the reasons why we SHOULD be working hard to preserve/protect our environment – I just can’t seem to put my money where my mouth is. I recycle vicariously – handing off bottles to my boss and/or counting on Len, the crazy dumpster diver in my neighborhood, to sort out my recyclables from my regular trash (I am NOT making that up! There is a guy who literally digs through dumpsters in the neighborhood and then puts out HEAPS and HEAPS of plastic, paper, and glass on recycling day. WHAT PASSION!). I find myself envious of the Nature Lover – wanting SO badly to become a trendy recycler and tree hugger! But, it just doesn’t seem to be in me.

But I’m definitely not envious of the love for birds. There are few people in this world more crazy to me than bird watchers. To me, it would be just as normal to be a vermin watcher and go around “oooh”ing and “aaaah”ing over rats in alleyways, cockroaches behind walls, and mice in the attic. Birds are the dirtiest, most disease-ridden creatures I know! And, I literally get a chill up my spine when a pigeon waddles towards me…

This is my worst nightmare!

(p.s. Is that Jake's long lost twin?!?)

So, while I may try to learn a few things from my boss and be a little more willing to go out of my way to recycle – you won’t see me in my khaki shorts with binoculars around my neck any time soon.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Plant a Tree

Something has been really plaguing my thoughts lately and I can’t seem to figure out why.

I work in Pittsburgh’s own little skyscraper – although 64 floors might seem a bit meager in the list of World’s Tallest Buildings (its only 35th tallest in the US alone), this building has quite a dominance in the humble skyline that belongs to the ‘Burgh. And, to live up to its size, the US Steel Tower works hard to maintain its grounds and lobbies with décor that screams “We’re all Business here, Folks.” While I realize that this makes sense from a point of view that seeks to bring in companies to lease space – it certainly leaves much to be desired in the way of inspiring me to take on the day with a dose of office vigor (Sorry, US Steel Tower interior designer… I’m sure it wasn’t your fault, but grays, tans & metals aren’t very feng shui!).

But the good people in charge of the grounds in and around the Tower have tried to spruce up the place with some eco- goodness (how very trendy!) by littering the place here and there with these:

Trees! Now, that’s more like it! They’ve got to be filling me with at least a few ounces of extra energy, or, at the very least, a few ounces of extra oxygen (can you measure oxygen in ounces?)!

I must have walked by these trees close to a hundred times before I suddenly had the realization that they were potted (I know, I know… I’m an idiot not to have realized this at first glance considering that many of them are INDOORS – but, sometimes my brain is vacant while I walk, ok?!). Now, potted trees are a nice enough idea for bringing the outdoors indoors… but I can’t help but wonder: What kind of life is this for the tree?

Now, I am no tree hugger (not that I'm opposed -- I've just never felt the urge), but honestly, the poor things are (dare I say it) crippled! I’ve heard it said that a tree’s root system has the same (if not larger) width/girth/depth of a tree’s branch system – but for these poor fellows that can’t possibly be the case. And, it’s the same for the outdoor trees in the courtyard – beautiful, but stifled by their cement prison. And, now that I’m thinking of it – what is going to happen to these trees as they continue to grow? Will they eventually be replanted in soil they can really spread out in? Are they discarded? Or, does the lack of root space keep them from ever reaching their potential growth? Please, all you blog-reading botanists – GIVE US SOME ANSWERS!!

So why is this bothering me so much? More than likely its because I live my life in analogies. I look at these trees… think of their roots… and immediately think about my own ability to plant some roots. And, to be honest, this stage of life sort has me feeling like a potted tree.

I moved to Pittsburgh with the idea of it as a temporary home. It made the most sense for my life at the moment (Seeing that the man I was marrying was going to be in school there for 3 years)… but in the back of my mind I was already wondering “where next?” And, that once fleeting thought has taken up permanent residence in my brain space, because 2 ½ years later… with AT LEAST 2 more years committed to this city… I still am wondering “but where NEXT?”

And, there is something about this way of thought/life that I think is really… as I said before… crippled. I’ve made Pittsburgh my pot – and I’m planted, but with no real roots. If I don’t allow myself roots where I am TODAY… then I’m stunting my own growth. How much more growth would I have seen if I allowed Pittsburgh to be my park (Tree farm? Field? – I couldn’t quite pick a good growing place name… haha).

And, sure, it’s a risk… because ultimately, the roots are going to make any future moves that much more painful and difficult – but it sure seems to be a better way of living for TODAY.

Currently on "Repeat Play" in my Head...

If you know her music at all, its no surprise that I'm a huge fan of Ani Difranco. My blog title very UNsubtly references one of her albums that is an all time favorite of mine. Here's the song that originally won me over to her music with its honesty and simplicity...

"Angry Anymore" by Ani Difranco

growing up it was just me and my mom against the world
and all my sympathies were with her when i was a little girl
but now i've seen both my parents play out the hands that they were dealt
and as each year goes by i know more about how my father must have felt

i just want you to understand
that i know what all the fighting was for
and i just want you to understand
that i'm not angry anymore
i'm not angry anymore

she taught me how to wage a cold war with quiet charm
but i just want to walk through my life unarmed
to accept and just get by like my father learned to do
but without all the acceptance and getting by that got my father through

I just want you to understand
that i know what all the fighting was for
and i just want you to understand
that i'm not angry anymore
i'm not angry anymore

night falls like people into love
we generate our own light to compensate for the lack of light from above
every time we fight a cold wind blows our way
but we can learn like the trees
how to bend how to sway and say

i think i understand
what all this fighting is for and
baby, i just want you to understand
that i'm not angry anymore
no, i'm not angry anymore

Monday, April 6, 2009

4 Things

I just couldn't resist this little survey -- it combines so many of my favorite things: nostalgia, list making, and the number 4!
Four Places I go over and over:
1. Padded Chair in the window corner of the US Steel Tower 2nd Lobby Level.
This is my lunch escape - where I get to sit in the sun, read, and forget the busy morning.
2. Lebanon Presbyterian Church
Though unfortunately it feels more like a job than a place of rest -- Im here often for endless youth events, early sunday school mornings, and various church functions.
3. Downtown Macy's Perfume Selection
Another lunchtime getaway as Macy's is the practically the only downtown shopping. I never buy, but I love sampling the new scents and dreaming up the perfect event for each.
4. Jake's Passenger Seat
Here often because I don't drive, I also love it because its the perfect place to let my brain (and mouth) unwind... plus I often get to catch up on the latest NPR scoop.

Four TV Shows I Watch:
1. The Office: for laughs
2. Jeopardy: for knowledge
3. Grey's Anatomy: for drama
4. America's Next Top Model: for the hell of it

Four Smells I Love:
1. Spring Lilacs: childhood
2. Campfire in my Hair: the end of a great night
3. Ocean Air: the smell of relaxation
4. Fresh Baked Bread: yum!

Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:
1. At the Dish Cafe eating scones while surrounded by fellow 4Easters

2. On the Spanish Steps of Rome with Jake and a bottle of Red Wine

3. Hiking near Mt. Ranier with my Brothers

4. Navigating the chaos of Malawi's markets with sugarcane stuck in my teeth