Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Currently on "Repeat Play" in my Head...

This song is kind of old at this point, and has been on my "favs" list for several years. I think I keep coming back to it because its a bit of a theme song for this stage in life... although I still have NO idea what the "mushaboom" is all about. Any ideas?

"Mushaboom" by Fiest

Helping the kids out of their coats -
But wait, the babies haven't been born.
Unpacking the bags and setting up,
And planting lilacs and buttercups.

But in the meantime we've got it hard -
Second floor living without a yard.
It may be years until the day
My dreams will match up with my pay.

Old dirt road
(mushaboom, mushaboom)
Knee deep snow
(mushaboom, mushaboom)
Watching the fire as we grow old

I got a man to stick it out
And make a home from a rented house.
And we'll collect the moments one by one
I guess that's how the future's done.

How many acres? How much light?
Tucked in the woods and out of sight
Talk to the neighbors and tip my cap
On a little road barely on the map.

Old dirt road
(mushaboom, mushaboom)
Knee deep snow
(mushaboom, mushaboom)
Watching the fire as we grow old.

Old dirt road
Rambling rose
(mushaboom, mushaboom)
Watching the fire as we grow
(mushaboom, mushaboom)
Well I'm Sold...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chivalry Murdered on a City Bus

I spend about 4.167% of my day on a bus (literally… I just did the math). All in all, I regularly enjoy my hour of people watching, mental prep/recap of my day, and general mental numbness – It is relaxing. However; of late the ride has been a bit bumpier (literally and figuratively). For whatever reason, the buses are PACKED. Maybe it’s the warmer weather or the economic downturn motivating people to drive less – but, whatever the reason, it has been rough. I have to stand awkwardly, crammed in like a sardine as I cling to the small metal pipe hanging 2 feet above my head. That scrap of metal is my only hope for mobile stability – keeping me from being thrown into a stranger’s lap. The bus is the only place I would stand this close to people – if you want a ride, you have to be ok with the idea of your body being pressed to somebody else’s, your purse hitting someone’s face, and multiple people pushing and pulling you to make their way to the front when it’s their stop. And that’s only if I am lucky enough to get a spot on a bus -- I am not kidding here… sometimes they are so full that there is literally NO room for one person and the driver just shrugs as he pulls his little handle to close the door while I stand on the sidewalk sulking.

Unfortunately, I think this phenomenon has been creating some mob mentality. I’ve noticed some extra grouchiness, a slight annoyance in someone’s eyes when they have to give up their seat to an elderly individual, and a general lack of apologies (if not some intentionality!) associated all the pushing, pulling, and touching.

However, yesterday on my commute home it reached a level I never expected. As the bus ride progressed, we had reached a point where people were beginning to empty out. There were still plenty more people than seats (I, personally, was clinging to my pole near the backdoor), but as people were standing up to get off the bus more and more of those remaining were getting a chance to sit. A seat cleared near me – I thought about claiming it – but noticed a middle-aged man was a little closer, so I thought I’d leave it for him. He looked at the seat… glanced at me… and nodded his head towards it – “I’m off at the next stop, anyway.” VICTORY! I slowly headed to my prize…

But, then, just as I was about to reach the seat, a man (probably late-twenties or early-thirties) came racing from the front. Like a slow-motion action scene – I could see his eyes focused on MY dirty bus seat…I could see his hands clench as he got closer… he was speed walking, nearly running, as he pushed over women and children… (ok, maybe I made up the part about women and children). He got there JUST before I did; we even bumped each other slightly as he powered himself down. And then, (here is where the ridiculous begins) as a smile of success came across his face, he looked me right in the eyes and without a laugh said, “I beat you, bitch. The seat is mine.” (sorry for just putting that out there – but, I felt a substitute word just wouldn’t quite give you the same effect --- maybe I should label my blog for “adult content,” haha)

I sucked in air from the shock --- WWWHHAATTT??!! I felt myself cower like I dog who had been scolded for peeing on the carpet (a look I have recently become all too familiar with due to our new shelter dog houseguest) – I was confused and hurt. I looked around for someone to stand up for me (coward that I am), but people either chuckled or ignored his harsh words. I wasn’t even mad about the seat anymore…. (Well, maybe a little)…. But, when did that word become ok for anyone to say? I mean, sure, I’ll throw out a “Bi-yatch” every now and then when joking with my CLOSEST friends (usually in the same sentence as a “holla!”)…. But this is not a word that I am comfortable being called (although, it is interesting that I made the female dog reference a few sentences back – haha).

I returned to my pole wondering if I should say something… stand up for women everywhere… but then I just stood there thinking about how pleasantries/manners/politeness have been on a continual decline with every passing generation in the last 100+ years. Though I consider myself a modern girl – I’ve still always found myself wooed by chivalry. And the realization that it may, as the saying goes, truly be dead was depressing. How could this seemingly normal man turn a bus seat into a competition with a woman – and celebrate with vulgarities in her face? Is he out there today thinking, “Yeah, maybe I took that one too far” -- or is that truly the place we have reached in this day and age.

R.I.P. Chivalry

But, then again… maybe there is hope. Maybe chivalry just has a terminal illness… or maybe it just needs to stop walking toward the light! There has got to be more than a few good men out there! My own husband has always carried with him a southern politeness that I find charming (although, don’t ask me where he got it since he’s from Western PA…haha). I'd like to think he is fighting to keep ol' Chivalry alive...

He still opens doors for me.
(…chest pump, chest pump…)

He’ll still offer me his jacket when it’s chilly.

He even pays every time we go out for dinner…
Even though we have joint accounts, haha.
(…chest pump, chest pump…)

And, I know he is not the only one -- so, to all of you chivalrous men out there – keep doing what you are doing. You alone are the ones performing the CPR that keeps chivalry alive! You cannot rest – the murders are mighty and many!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring, Sprang, Sprung

Spring has officially SPRUNG.

…or at least it is certainly trying to Spring, though I fear that we have not seen the last of Winter’s ugly face just yet. We had a couple of days whose temperatures just barely reached the 70 degree mark when standing on their tippy-toes, and now we’re back in the 40’s.

But the cooler weather doesn’t seem to matter -- the Spring mentality has already settled in. Yesterday, as I huddled in my wool coat remembering Saturday’s sunny warmth, I saw several boys in t-shirts and shorts who apparently did NOT get the memo that the warmer weather was a temporary phenomenon. They didn’t even seem to care, proudly remaining in denial of the goosebumps on their legs. Uggs have been replaced with brightly colored galoshes. The stores have their Spring lines on display. Cadbury Cream Eggs tempt me at the checkout lines.

It is as if everyone is ready to move on to the next season.

And, believe me, I am not entirely innocent here. I am pushing Spring into the picture too… I spent a warm day’s lunch last week sitting in a park with an ice cream cone… and a long hour on Saturday laying in a hammock on our porch (Yes, our porch does have a hammock – Actually, two brightly colored ones which were put up by our downstairs neighbor for communal relaxation for all our building inhabitants – and they still make me laugh every time I see them). It seems to me that I am always wanting to move forward to the next stage, the next time, the next thing… and, I am beginning to see I’m not alone in this.

It’s something I’ve wondered about for a while – Why does contentment seem so out of reach? And, in particular – Why are we always looking ahead? Right now I am dying for bright Spring… but in a few months I’ll be begging for the heat of summer… then the beauty of Fall… then the picturesque holidays of Winter. The cycle never ends. And people do this in more areas of their life than just weather opinions…

The teen girl can’t wait to go to college... then she gets tired of college life and can’t wait to get into the “real world.” The girl lands a decent job… but then can’t be satisfied because it doesn’t feel like a CAREER. The girl is tired of being single… then once she is in a relationship, she is wondering when they’ll get married. The girl and boy become Mr. and Mrs. and move into a cute/affordable apartment… but they soon find the “charming” parts annoying and dream of the day they have saved up a down-payment for a house. The couple move into their dream house that finally has that extra bedroom for guests… and then wonder if its time to fill that extra space with a baby. The girl has baby… and patiently looks forward to the day he is old enough for her to get back to her career.

And, what I am realizing as I snack on my Cadbury Egg (yes, I did give in to check-out line temptation) is that we treat life like a race – stage after stage. And, the most annoying part is, if you are not buying into this life progression… and you are just happy where you are at, then people think you are :

A] Lying to Yourself -- “How could she possibly be really happy single?”
(Absurd. Why can’t a girl be independently happy in her own life?)
B] Making a Mistake -- “You want to wait how long to have kids? Thats dangerous.”
(Its not like I’m on world record pace, here! I’m only twenty-freaking-four!)
C] Dumb -- “That’s fine for her, but I wouldn’t want that.”
(Rude. Rude. Rude. And, probably mixed with a little Jealousy.)

The whole thing just makes me tired. Oh, I dont know, maybe I'll have more energy to talk about this in the Spring.

Oh, yeah -- just in case you are wondering about that world record pregnancy... I am happy to say I have plenty of time. This lady gave birth when she was SEVENTY:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Nylon Dermatology

I've been hesitant to jump onboard the train to tights-ville. My hesitations are probably the result of the fact that the fashion trend was born out of the previously OVER-popular leggings trend... which I, personally, found terrifying due to my belief that it could usher in a full on 80's fashion revival (ICK.). That, and, I felt Lindsay Lohan was wearing enough leggings for all of America.

But, I must admit, when opaque tights started popping up under the hems of fashionistas everywhere, I decided to give it a shot. And, in these winter months, I've loved being able to throw on a pair of thick black or brown nylons with a short work dress while still feeling weather-prepared.

But, now Im wondering if this fashion is too devil-spawn, because I saw a woman wearing something along the lines of THESE this morning.....

One word instantly popped into my head: leprosy.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Its All About the Washingtons, Baby

I am annoyed lately at the UNvalue of a dollar.

Now, don't worry, I am not ready to jump on board and give you my personal dissertation on the American economic situation... we all hear enough endless talk about that these days. I certainly don't have the time (or probably the mind) to understand all the complex reasons why the American dollar is plummeting in worth -- however; I am starting to notice it on a day to day basis.

Here is how it all started: The other day I saw a crisp bill laying in the middle of the sidewalk in front of me as I strolled to my bus. "Yesssssssssssssss," I said out load as I approached the green paper, dreaming that it would be a loose hundred that dropped out of some rich woman's fur-lined pocket and would never be missed. [In case you are curious, here is the type of mental image I had when picturing this mystery woman...]

No such luck -- and, I didn't even feel like I had won anything when I go close enough to see good ol' Georgie-boy's face staring up at me. I actually considered leaving him on the ground so that I could keep my FREEZING hands in my then toasty coat pockets (p.s. Can someone PLEASE tell Winter that its time to move on?!). Sad. When did free money lose its excitement? It really doesn't feel like that long ago (I'm probably too young for this, but prepare for my "when I was a kid" reference) that a few pennies were thrilling cause I could run down to the local Frosty Freeze and stock up on some Swedish Fish (does penny candy even exist any more?). Then, before long, pennies were obsolete -- left, unloved, in sad little plastic trays where they would be deserted or traded. The weight of the penny, it seemed, outweighed its worth because NO one wanted them in pockets or purses any more.

And, now I'm starting to wonder -- is the dollar doomed for the same fate?
The crazy thing is, ever since I had this thought, confirmations of my suspicions have been coming to my attention. I passed a vending machine yesterday – CANS of soda for $1.25. I pay my bus fare and wonder if my fair share of gas, mileage, and maintenance for the OVER-PACKED ride where I stood with my face in someone’s armpit is really $2.00. A buy a pack of gum -- $2.35. I’ve even noticed it with parking meters – $1.00 only gets you about 30 minutes…

But the straw that broke this camel’s back was DEFINITELY lunch yesterday. Let me first say, that I really try to motivate myself to pack a lunch daily. Occasionally; however, I don’t mind splurging a little, but I always try to go for something cheap. So, I headed down to our building’s basement food court and ladled myself a CUP of chicken noodle soup – thinking to myself that although it wasn’t my first choice of lunches, it would due since I could buy it with the few $1 bills in my purse (which included ol' Georgie-boy from the sidewalk). As I was rung up, I had my limp bills already in my hand when I received my total… $5.35. Wait, what?! Over $5 for a CUP of soup? I thought surely this price had to be a mistake and pointed out to the cashier that I had the SMALL soup portion – only to be embarrassed when she responded “I see that. Ma’am, we can’t dump it back in the pot, so are you gonna pay?” I wanted to say, “no” and just walk away… but with the other busy lunchers behind me staring with growling stomachs that just wanted to get through the line, I angrily pulled out my debit card and let her swipe.

It could have been the most delicious chicken noodle soup in the world (which it wasn’t)… and I would have still felt totally ripped off. It could have been chicken noodle soup that was made so perfectly that it really was chicken soup for my SOUL, filling my day with hope and energy (which it DEF wasn’t)… and still I would have been dissatisfied as I spooned it up. But, since it wasn’t either, and I am pretty sure I could head to Walmart and buy an actual “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book for less than $5.35… I. Was. Pissed.

And, because I just realized I AM starting to sound like all those doom-and-gloom economists… here is a list of a few things you can still buy for a dollar…

<----The classic Apple is about 85¢

The Daily Paper comes
in under$1
(as long as it isn't Sunday) ---->

<----If you are lucky,
this could be a dollar well spent!

Apparently you can get some great animal figurines like this
for about 99¢ from the Dollar Store ---->

<---- A Suvenir Classic!
Throw in a penny and a few
quarters, and you've got
an intant keepsake!

This dorm favorite still
hovers around 3/$1 ---->

Dollar, come on! I need you to recover a little here, because I am scared about what is to come! Will lattes spring up to $8.75? Will email start costing us as much as a stamp? Will we have to change the lyrics to, “Seven... seven… seven dollar foot long” (which is NOT c-c-c-catchin’ on!)? Will my bus start charging by the mile? What will the world be like when we have “Give a Dollar, Take a Dollar” plastic trays at the cash register?