Monday, February 16, 2009

Hello, My Name is....

Main Entry: 1 rev·el
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French reveler, literally, to rebel
1 : to take intense pleasure or satisfaction

Main Entry: 1 reck·oning
Function: noun
Date: 14th Century
1 : a settling of accounts
2 : a summing up

Main Entry: 1 ram·ble
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, probably alteration of romblen, of romen to roam
1 a : to move aimlessly from place to place b : to explore idly
2 : to talk or write in a desultory or long-winded wandering fashion

For some time now I have resisted technology and the age of viral identity. Sure, I signed up for Aol Instant Messenger... but, by the time I did I found out my younger brother and all his friends already had accounts (not to mention 99.9% of all my peers). When my mom bought me a 1st generation iPod for Christmas 2002... it was such a mystery that it sat in a desk drawer for months while I carried around my Sony Disc-Man and 2 lbs of CD's. While I relish the convenience of cell phones... my friends will tell you I quite frequently never pick mine up (I, myself, don't really know if this is simply lack of ringtone/vibration awareness or intentional ignorance). When friends or family send me e-cards... they are usually deleted as quickly as junk mail with the subject "Seeking Enlargement Today?" Myspace creeps me out... Facebook is the web-based equivalent of "TMI" 24/7 (I really DONT care to see 112 photos of you at your cousins bat mitzvah or the candid shot of your war-weary face in the midst of child birth). And, perhaps most fervently of all... I always swore I would never, EVER have a blog.

And, yet, here we are.... the day of reckoning.

It all started when my good pal, the tech-savvy Jamie Debell (, started her own little HTML diary. I found I enjoyed reading hers so much that I wondered if there was some value in the process. Mentioning this to my husband one night, fully expecting him to scoff at the whole blog community, I discovered that he too was already a blogger -- albeit, he had only been web-published for about a day( My brother... a blogger. My best friend from camp... a blogger. Suddenly, the wool was lifted from my eyes and I realized that I could be the last one on the planet to jump on board and give blogging a shot.

So, here it is -- My attempt at posting for the world (Or, more accurately, the 2-3 people that ever view this) my internal reflections. And, as a guide for the reader... my title states my intentions (modest, though they may be) with a more than likely emphasis on the latter.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging, my friend! I am so glad you've sucked it up and made your www debut.

    And I VIVIDLY remember your first generation white iPod that sat on your desk in the dorms and us staring at it saying something like this:
    me: "where are the buttons?"
    you: "I'm not sure, I think you do everything with that circle."
    me: "Whoa, weird."
    you: "Yeah, I don't know how to put music on it"
